Moonves: CBS Bought 'Wallstrip' for More than Talent

Auletta (right) questions Moonves at the "W" hotel in Manhattan.

CBS chief Les Moonves this morning at a breakfast hosted by Syracuse U's Newhouse School said he paid a lot to buy video blog Wallstrip because he wants programming to syndicate and send all over the Internet. And while he likes the talent of the folks who do the Wall Street parody site, "no" he didn't buy it just for the talent – which is how some have framed the deal.

Wallstrip's Howard Lindzon had earlier made the point that if CBS really just wanted the "face" of Wallstrip, Lindsay
, they would've signed just her.

Moonves said during the event, interviewed on stage by The New Yorker's Ken Auletta at a media power-filled room* that CBS had made 25 purchases in the past 60 days, four of them "content." He said he understands about half of what CBS' digital chief Quincy Smith tells him, but fortunately Smith "understands everything he says."

*Larry Kramer, Chris Napolitano, Ken's brother Richard – who does PR For the Mets – Newshouse dean David Rubin, former AP chief Lou Boccardi, Jack Myers -- whom I write for, Craig Sender of Trylon, Nat Ives of Ad Age, Esther Dyson, and many others I should mention. The event will be on C-SPAN, Ken Auletta said.

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