A Social Network Networker's Network

I don't know that I can say it any better than this on Om Malik's Web Worker Daily:

We've written before (and had a lively debate about) the benefits of outsourcing the nonessential activities in your life - housekeeping, lawn care, project management, bookkeeping, and so on. Now comes the news, via a BBC reporter, that some people are actually making real money blogging and networking on behalf of others. Actively social web workers know that it can take a tremendous amount of time and energy to maintain a compelling blog as well as a presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pownce, and whatever the other network-of-the-week is. But would you consider paying someone else to take this load off your shoulders?
And would you consider taking the load off someone else's? Is there a margin in it? Could we have a social network (or is there perhaps a Facebook group?) of people who are others' social networkers?

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