Google's Seach Indexing: Change or Not?

Search Insider's David Berkowitz of MediaPost finds fault with my column for Jack Myers Media Business report, quoting a Bear Stearns study and one of the study's authors, about how Google will change what I called the "requirements" for search optimization. I may have been wrong, but I found the report's analysis convincing, and think that Google -- which is trying to get away from search engine optimization scammers, and trying to increase indexing of non-HTML apps and pages, is likely to take some action, and the study says the action will be intake of .xml feeds.

That Google filed patents is, as Berkowitz says, no guarantee they'll use what's in the patents, but the expert, Steve Arnold, pointed out that they have started to sneak the technology onto the site, and there are examples of it already. (His site is here, and the report, a PDF, is here.) Steve has promised to get back to me with a further response.

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