The Coming Shakeout in Video Distribution

One big impression from the Streaming Media East show I got today: There are going to be shakeouts:
 - in content distribution networks, CDNs. There are too many to be supported by the market, even if the market IS growing 30% per year. How many do you need. There's Akamai. And there's Limelight. And then there are more than two-dozen others, about half of them with venture funding (too much  VC $$$, according to one person -- see Twitters in right column ), all claiming one niche or another. But those niches can't support it all.
- in standards. H.264. Adobe. Silverlight. These are all schemes for making videos and then getting them to the Web and into a browser or some other player that you can watch on your computer. But it's difficult to create in one and post in another. There's a rumor Microsoft will have Silverlight be agnostic, adopt H.264, and allow posting from all kinds of media into it, which could -- in the words of one observer -- revolutionize the industry. (Wouldn't that be something? Microsoft being the open ones.) for now, though, creators of the content are locked into different not terribly overlapping universes and the skills are not really transferable. 
- In video advertising. A bazillion schemes. Only some will survive.
- In video intake and display through the competitors to YouTube -- everyone from Revver to Veoh to Brightcove to Daily Motion. Fewer than exist today will survive.

Talked a bit, too, to show chief Dan Rayburn, who said part of the reason there might be less of a representation of revenue, and more of technology, than previous years at the show, is because he's got his ear to the ground -- and no one is really making money in video, while there's been the explosion of CDNs.

- Getting Nerdy (Online Minute)

My buddies at Scribe Media (who are doing the Naked Media show with my company and me as host) produced Streaming Media's video and will have it live in a couple days. 

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