Playing with Widgets

. That theme came up at least three times today at the Widget Web Expo in Brooklyn. (It was there, said the event organizer, because space was hard to come by in Manhattan.)

VC Fred Wilson: “The Web is becoming more intelligent, social, mobile and playful. Playful is very important.” Stowe Boyd: General Motors did very well and showed courage by letting people mash up videos of its SUVs, even though many were critical. “Wouldn’t it be funny if they made fun of themselves?” he asked, suggesting they, maybe, let users show how to shrink the cars? “Playfulness is another part of the courage thing.” Patrick Sexton of was nothing but playful, showing excitedly (after his formal remarks) how he’d widgetized a half-dozen pieces of Stephen Colbert-related content to get the attention of the execs at Comedy Central’s parent, Viacom (he did, he said).

OK, then, let’s play. Serious fun. Jon Stewart’s news is more honest than the “real” shows. David Pogue creates a fake musical to the iPhone. Hey, if a comedian can play a journalist, how about the reverse. One of my attempts is in the first part of this video interview with Dave Morgan. Another attempt, that will grow and get better is here. I used to be a comedian. So, now I'm a former comedian, who's now a journalist, doing some comedic stuff.

Who predicted the end of irony? Right.

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