Newspaper Industry Solutions: Everybody Has One

It seems like everybody’s weighing in now on newspaper revenue models: Here’s a pitch to save The Scotsman, by merging with its Scottish competitor; here’s New York Times executive editor Bill Keller (via PaidContent) on what he’s thinking about charging for subscriptions. Here’s Silicon Alley Insider with an analysis that actually breaks the numbers down. And here’s Allison Fine, picking me and others up, rebutting an Op Ed (in the Times) saying newspapers needed to follow the foundation model.

And here, for the record, is my earlier piece rebutting that Op Ed. In a nutshell: there are many business models that can work: here’s a list of ones to mix and match. The piece links to earlier analyses from Jeff Jarvis and Dave Morgan.

At the On Media conference yesterday and today, heard a wire service exec talking about how their company had a banner year in '08, but their core membership (which means newspapers) was ailing. Hmmmm.

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