Seminar: Finance for Media Professionals

Dorian's Teeming Media is sponsoring the following course. It's a great deal.

The budget in an organization doesn’t go to the best projects. It goes to good projects that are best presented in financial terms. The more you understand about how the company makes financial decisions, the greater your ability is to get the funding.

In these financially distressed times, you need more than ever to:

* understand the way money flows in your organization;
* bolster your financial skills and learn the finance behind decision-making;
* know how to interpret budgets, secure funds, earn revenue, and do more with available resources.

Whether you’re a creative media professional, an advertising executive, a producer, a publisher, an entrepreneur or in any other area of the media industry, this seminar will help you build skills that will make you more valuable, help you keep the job you have, get a new job, secure new business and make you a stronger competitor in today’s marketplace.

In less than three hours, we will teach you in depth how to read and understand:

* Balance Sheets;
* Income Statements;
* Cash Flow Statements;
and, crucially, why you should care about all of them.

Register here! Only 15 Seats Available. Special $50 rate for an intensive 3-hour seminar. March 23, 6-9 p.m.

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