Can you Convert Search Users?

Search Engines Newspapers: Perfect Market’s Delivery System Aims To Please Both: "“You can’t transform those who come in from search into ‘name brand’ users,” said Tim Ruder, Perfect Market’s chief revenue officer, a former Washington Post digital media exec."

Really? That's kind of a radical thought, but it may be true. Ruder is certainly known for being smart, but if you -- as Perfect Market does according to the article linked above -- strip the publication's branding, 'related' links, sharing options and other material in favor of ads for the person who comes into a news site via Google, are you giving up future revenue, further spread, higher engagement, for the sake of higher immediate dollars? It's easy to see on a spreadsheet now -- more and better placement of ads will mean more immediate money, and publishers like that.

But what's the long-term revenue trade-off, I wonder? I'll ask the CEO when I see her later this afternoon, and if she answers on the record will say here.

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